When we go through change and transition, it is either a moment of great shrinking and stuckness, or the greatest opportunity for transformation...

Gone through a major life transition (new job, baby, new relationship, ending a friendship, moving) and it just broke you?

The trauma of the change was too big, too overwhelming.

You didn't have space to be with it, to process it.

So you scrolled it, drank it, shopped it away.

And now, there are so many things that remind you of that time that you just cannot touch, because it's still too much.

It feels like there is an open, gaping wound that gets covered up for a moment, yet is constantly bubbling up with pain beneath the surface.

Wondered if it could be different?

If you could experience a big change in your life, and drink up the bitter-sweet lessons from it

So that next time, you can handle things better

Next time, you feel wiser and stronger

So that you can shed the layers that have long been waiting to go, and bloom into something powerful that has always been within you

That magic thing you were born with, but haven't stepped into yet. It's here for you now, in this transition in your life.

I've recently experienced a major transition in my life...

I decided to move to Costa Rica, because my business was in a really good place, my soul was in a really good place, and I was craving nature, adventure and flow.

I knew it would be triggering to move - a reminder of the traumatic moves I went through in the past.

Little did I know, this move was a massive uprooting - not only physically. It was an uprooting of my beliefs, ways of being and a major re-surfacing of childhood trauma.

During this time in my life, I was incredibly triggered CONSTANTLY. By my partner, by the homes we lived in, by other people.

I felt constantly on edge and unsafe.

My first tendency was to blame everything for my triggers, until I realized: parts of my unhealed childhood trauma that I NOW have the capacity to be with are coming up to be released.

It felt so confusing for so long: how can I be so stuck and shutdown when I made a choice to make this change and I am living in such a beautiful place?

On this path, I found a way to be with it all, find my safety, feel my emotions, and come back to the deep knowing that I am just walking on the edge of the breakthrough.

Instead of stuckness, the change catalyzed a major transformation.

In this unique online course, a result of my embodied experience...

I am going to share with you all of the tools, practices, somatic modalities, and emotional healing techniques I needed to create magical transformation out of scary change.

The Magic Lesson of the Morpho Butterfly

This is a morpho butterfly.

This is the other side of a morpho butterfly.

Although going through changes and transitions is extremely challenging for our nervous system, they are exactly what holds the key to the beautiful things we want in life.

This is the exact moment when we can finally see our life from a new angle. When the old stops making sense - we can change it!

Just like this butterfly, the uglier (ok, matter of taste but let's just say, not as pretty...) side - the difficulty and triggers of the change - is actually the same as the most beautiful, spectacular miracle that is waiting for you.

This course is for you...

Whether you are currently going through a transition, or have had one in the past...

Maybe you still feel unsafe, confused, overwhelmed, or stuck; you hold a grudge, resistance, or resentment

I believe that the change/transition you went through or are now going through actually holds the key to your greatest transformation and liberation from:

♥ old patterns like people pleasing, lack of boundaries, lack of pleasure in life, procrastination, over-responsibility, and more

♥ deep triggers that come from past trauma in your life

♥ what holds you back from accomplishing your goals, dreams and visions for your life

This is what you will learn how to embody in this course!

What is included in the course:

▲ Video modules: the nervous system and its regulation, trauma and healing, and transforming your relationship with emotions and sensations. Complete at your own pace - you'll receive access to the entire course at once

▲ Guided meditations to release emotions, promote self compassion, and connection to yourself and your inner child

▲ Journaling prompts to reflect on the transformation you are going through right now

▲ Highly effective somatic practices to regulate the nervous system and process trauma and stuck emotions

What you'll walk away with:

▲ A roadmap for meeting the challenges that come up as you move through change and transformation in your life

▲ An understanding of what happens in your mind and body somatically when you go through changes in your life, and how this connects to triggers and trauma

▲ A new compassionate and effective way to approach yourself and all your coping mechanisms during a transition in your life

▲ Highly effective somatic practices that will help you regulate your nervous system and come back to safety

▲ Emotional healing tools - feel your emotions in a whole new way when you are most triggered during changes in your life

▲ The steps to return to safety during transitions, feel your emotions and make space for an exciting transformation!

Course Curriculum

Once you sign up for the course, you will receive immediate access to all of the following videos, journaling/reflection prompts, meditations and somatic practices. You will have access for life.

  Hi there! Watch this before you start :)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Why is Change & Transition So Triggering to Us?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Blooming Butterfly Blueprint
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Establishing Safety Amidst Uncertainty
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Emotional Healing Tools Amidst the Chaos of Transition & Change
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Alchemize Transition into Transformation
Available in days
days after you enroll

Student Experiences

Choose the Price that FEELS Right to You

All pricing options receive the same course. If you can afford to, please support others in the community so they can enjoy this course too!

I am so excited to welcome you into this life-changing embodied material, and I love you so much!

About Marina Yanay-Triner

I've walked this path. I've been where you are - shut down, anxious, depressed, with no way out.

Totally confused on what it means to feel my emotions, and what emotions even feel like in my body. Totally disconnected from my body, and living from neck up, constantly overthinking and criticizing myself for every little thing!

I was diagnosed with PTSD that resulted from being in an abusive relationship and immigrating as a refugee twice.

After years of talk therapy, I realized I needed something different and went to my first Somatic Experiencing therapist.

During this time, all of my tools included mindset alone: but talking and thinking my way out of the deep pain I was experiencing did not work.

You cannot solve a body-based issue with a mental approach alone.

Somatic approaches made a huge difference in my life. I started to feel better - more present in my life, excited to be alive.

I started to thrive in my relationships (my 11+ year partnership and my friendships) and in my business - doing the work my soul longed for and getting well paid for it!

With a background of 10 years in conflict transformation, where I facilitated Israelis and Palestinians in deep healing and personal transformation dialogue, a certificate in integrative somatic trauma therapy and a certification from the Institute for Coaching Mastery - I am equipped with the tools, life experience and knowledge to support you in your regulation and healing journey. I am so excited to support you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the format of this course?

This is an online course, go at your own pace. It includes audio, video and written materials. It is all pre-recorded, and you can watch it from anywhere, as many times as you like.

Does my access to course materials expire?

Your access never expires.

How is this course different from your other courses?

This course specifically addresses how to transition and go through change in your life - whether it is external or internal transformation. There are also additional tools that I haven't shared in any other course, so definitely recommend enrolling even if you've already purchased the others.

Choose the Price that FEELS Right to You

All pricing options receive the same course. If you can afford to, please support others in the community so they can enjoy this course too!